Imagery contest open

Imagery contest open


The 2017 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Imagery Contest will be open for submissions from now until Sept. 1.

This contest is open to the seasoned professional and amateur photographers in the Defence Team, including family members, in eight categories.

In addition to the photography contest, this year’s contest will also have two video categories -Actuality and Social Media. Send in real world 30 second to two minute video footage for Actuality submissions, and a 30 second to one minute inspirational message video for Social Media entries.

Photographers and videographers will be eligible to win $10,000 in prizes. Participating in the contest automatically enters you in a draw for two tickets to anywhere Westjet flies, exclusing Hawaii.

The CAF Imagery Contest also welcomes nominations for the Military Photographer Achievement Award, which recognize the contributions CAF Imagery Technicians have made to the CAF community.

Visit to enter and for full contest details.

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