Love letters story goes viral

Each military member has his or her own unique way to say “I love you” to the people they leave behind when deployed

HMCS Regina Naval Communicator LS Devin Maxwell chose to write 241 love letters to his wife Crystal – one for each day he would be away.

Love letters story goes viral

Several hours after the ship sailed away on July 3, Crystal learned of her husband’s expression of love and was so touched she decided to share it on “”, a social news website where users exchange thoughts on various topics.

“I simply couldn’t believe he did this. I was so touched,” she said. “It was such a great surprise and such a sweet story I wanted to share it.”

Crystal soon learned about the incredible power of social media.

The post went viral and soon after she received an interview request through from a Globe and Mail reporter. The day after it was published there were more than 26 million hits to the


“I had no idea it would get this big,” admitted Crystal. “I received calls from CTV, Global, CHEK, and Shaw shortly after.”

Each wanted to cover the heartfelt story – one example of a couple’s love separated by duty.

“I have received a lot of wonderful responses from people online. I believe it is really inspiring people and it made me happy to make them so happy,” said Crystal.

Though the overwhelming response has been

positive, Crystal has received some negative feedback.

“One military spouse expressed resentment at the attention being drawn to Devin’s gesture and said she felt the story diminished the service of the other sailors onboard Regina.   Of course this was never the intent and it made me sad that someone would react in this way. I know firsthand how difficult it is for everyone separated from their loved ones during a deployment. We are all making sacrifices,” she said. “I encourage other families to share their stories too.”

How’s LS Maxwell faring after all this media hoopla?

“We have an amazing story we can tell our kids one day,” LS Maxwell said to his wife.

The story has also been well received on board Regina. Feedback that LS Maxwell has received from shipmates has been in good humour, and mainly about how he may have inadvertently raised the ba

r for other husbands and boyfriends deployed at sea. Even the Commanding Officer has commented on the story.

“Leading Seaman Maxwell’s example shows all of us the importance of the connection between those of us at sea and those we have left behind,” says Cdr Jason Boyd. “I congratulate him for this imagination.”

He adds that connection between home and deployed members is what keeps a family strong and adds to a military member’s resilience at sea.

“Whether sailors have written a love letter before they depart or choose to dash off a quick email to say ‘I love you’ while at sea, it shows the importance of keeping in touch. Equally, it reminds us that a letter or email from the spouse at home telling the sailor about important moments, such as a child’s first goal in soccer, are equally important to all of us on board Regina. Communication in any form is important to keep up morale both at home and onboard.  I would like thank all the families for their unwavering support.”

Shelley Lipke, Staff Writer

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  1. Harvey says:

    I actually think this particular blog , “Love letters story goes
    viral : Lookout Newspaper”, highly pleasurable and
    the blog post was indeed a very good read. I appreciate it,Scotty

  2. Lookout says:

    The translation is “A beautiful love story”

  3. Adriana diaz says:

    Hermosa historia

  4. Unknown says:

    This is wonderful! my friend told me about this story and I stubbled upon this article!

    I hope this woman knows how lucky she is to receive a gift like this, as i know a lot of other family member may not! I would like to say, that after reading this, i started to think about the negative feed back she was getting, I think you get the best of both worlds! something like this will always get the good and bad! its just the way you take it all in!

    There will people that think that maybe you should of kept it to yourself and told just a few people instead of making it public, i say that, because I am sure that their is a lot of family/friends etc, that did not receive such a thoughtful gift! and will only get the random emails and such!,but overall, we are all human and should just take it as” there is still good men/Woman out there!.” Individuals express love to each other differently then others!, so you may get love letters, and some might get love emails or whatever but we all should know that our loves ones LOVE US doesn’t matter on how they express it!

    Overall! To the rest of the HMCS REGINA CREW!.. Safe Travels and come home safe!!!


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