Base now collecting organic waste
By Lookout on Jan 12, 2015 with Comments 0
Did you know that CFB Esquimalt produces over 1,400,000 kg of waste each year?
At one time half was sent to the Hartland Landfill as garbage and the other half recycled or repurposed.
Thirty percent of all solid waste generated in the Capital Regional District (CRD) is organic waste.
As such, the CRD will be enforcing this new bylaw, banning organic waste from the regular garbage stream.
In this way, the CRD hopes to reach their goal of diverting 70% of waste materials from the landfill.
In advance of this new bylaw, CFB Esquimalt’s Base Foods locations, such as Nelles Block, Chiefs and Petty Officers’ Mess, Work Point Galley and the Wardroom, diverted 220,000 kg of organic waste in 2014.
This year, the program will expand to target the largest producers of food waste on base, including ships alongside, Base Foods locations, and contract kitchens (New Wave Café, FMF Cafeteria, etcetera), which should triple the amount of organic waste recovered.
Your organics green bin will look similar to the one pictured, and will be located with the other waste disposal totes at select locations.
The next phase of the organics program will study the viability of capturing smaller sources of organic waste, such as used bathroom paper towels, and office kitchen material around the base.
In the meantime random organics bins from smaller sources will be located throughout Dockyard for voluntary disposal.
For questions regarding green bin locations, please contact Bruce Chambers at 250-363-5454.
Examples of acceptable organic waste include:
meat & bones
dairy products
eggs & eggshells
vegetables & fruits
soiled paper products
For a more detailed list of what food waste is accepted and what is not, please visit the following link:……../acceptable-organics
For further questions, comments, or concerns please contact Kara Foreman at 250-363-7457.
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