Respected First Nations Elder Butch Dick to address Defence Team
By Lookout Production on Sep 28, 2022 with Comments 0
Peter Mallett,
Staff Writer
The Defence Aboriginal Advisory Group (DAAG) and the MARPAC Health and Wellness Strategy team will hold an online presentation featuring Lekwungen Elder Butch Dick to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
“We are incredibly fortunate to have Butch lead us through his own journey and incredible wealth of experience and expertise,” said Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher Robinson. “He is known for being a bridge-builder, making strong and lasting ties between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous people within this community.”
The presentation by Elder Dick will be made exclusively via MS teams on Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Also known as Yux’wey’lupton in his Lekwungen name, Elder Dick is highly revered in Victoria’s arts community, Royal Roads University, and as a master carver, educator, visionary guide, and knowledge keeper.
Elder Dick holds a vital role as a founding member of the Heron Peoples Circle, the Elders and Old Ones, whose guidance supports Indigenous engagement within Royal Roads University. He has more than 25 years of experience teaching Indigenous Art in Victoria-area public schools. He has also worked as an assistant university professor, a designer of the Indigenous education curriculum, and an advisor to government institutions.
“His wise ways advance the call for equality, justice and empathy in guiding not just Royal Roads University family but the whole community to carry forward his teachings in each person,” said Claire Grant, MARPAC Health and Wellness Strategy Assistant.
Upon accepting his Honorary Doctor of Laws from Royal Roads University in November 2021, Elder Dick said the lessons he has taught his family members are echoed in the lessons he has taught many young people from the Lekwungen Nation and beyond.
“I have to create awareness in communities and these young minds that I’m working with, so they will respect First Nations people, and the culture and the language of songs and drumming, so when they grow up they will say ‘I remember that’,” he said.
RAdm Robinson is encouraging all Defence Team members to log in with the information provided below and join the discussion:
Meeting ID 287 978 897 272
Passcode: XDPkh5
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