Sailor Profile: Master Sailor Diyako Salehi


Photo by Master Sailor Dan Bard, CAF Imagery Technician National Defence Image Library


Master Sailor (MS) Diyako Salehi, a Weapons Engineering Maintainer – Fire Control aboard HMCS Regina, has lived in a number of countries under different regimes and governments, which has given him a unique perspective on life, relationships, and work.

He immigrated to Canada from Iran, and says he joined the Royal Canadian Navy to give back and serve the country that has given him the opportunity to flourish and achieve his goals.

“It also gave me the opportunity to work as an electronic technician, something that has always been an interest of mine.”

He recently participated in Rim of the Pacific Exercise 2020 (RIMPAC), the world’s largest maritime exercise, off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands. The exercise gave sailors the opportunity to see and learn how to organize and work in a multinational naval task force and explore the ways they can individually contribute.

“This has been my first time participating in RIMPAC on board a Canadian patrol frigate,” said MS Salehi. “I participated in RIMPAC 2018 for three weeks aboard a Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel, which is quite different. It mostly consisted of mine sweeping operations around San Diego, California.”

On board HMCS Regina, he participated in a training scenarios including multinational anti-submarine warfare exercises, maritime interdiction operations, and live-fire events.

“Despite limitations and changes due to COVID-19 during this year’s RIMPAC, it still provided a wider perspective and understanding in what can be involved in working in a multinational naval exercise,” said MS Salehi. “It is pretty evident to me that the RCN is very capable of contributing and leading a multinational task force.”

When asked what his favourite part of the exercise was, he said, “I find the manoeuvering of so many warships in such close proximity and in unison quite interesting.”


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