All Entries Tagged With: "Afghanistan"

Victoria to remember costs of Afghanistan War
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Lieutenant-Colonel (ret’d) Paul Paone hopes Canadians have not forgotten the significance of March 12. The date commemorates the 10th anniversary of the end of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan. It is a time to remember the fallen and injured and the sacrifices many men and women made on foreign soil over 13 years. […]

Victoria à retenir coûts de la guerre d’Afghanistan
Peter Mallett, Rédacteur — Le lieutenant-colonel (retraité) Paul Paone espère que les Canadiens n’ont pas oublié l’importance du 12 mars. Cette date commémore le 10e anniversaire de la fin de la mission du Canada en Afghanistan. C’est l’occasion de se souvenir des soldats tombés au combat et des blessés, ainsi que des sacrifices consentis par de […]

Wounds of war won’t hold soldier back
Every painful step, every laboured breath will draw WO Kevin Legg, 42, closer to his dream of completing the Four Days International Marches Nijmegen next week. The soldier is unlike any of his MARPAC teammates. He marches with a barrage of physical scars incurred during his tour in Afghanistan seven years ago, including damaged lungs […]