All Entries Tagged With: "army"

Clearance Divers, NTOG mine Army event for recruits
Kateryna Bandura, Lookout Editor — The best way to recruit high-level fitness members to high-intensity trades is to go where these people are, says one Clearance Diver (CD). In search of new recruiting grounds, Master Sailor (MS) Mark Littler partnered with MS David Aubin from the Naval Tactical Operations Group (NTOG) for a 5-day recruiting campaign […]

Les plongeurs de combat retournent dans les eaux de Metchosin
Peter Mallett, Rédacteur — Après une interruption de quatre ans, l’exercice Roguish Buoy est revenu à Metchosin le 29 janvier pour deux semaines, permettant à 65 Army Combat Divers du Canada et du monde entier de mettre à l’épreuve leurs compétences en matière de travail d’équipe. Travailler dans les marées et les courants du détroit de Juan […]

The CAF Offer – web pages are now live
Are you a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member or considering joining? Learn what the CAF has to offer in return for your service to Canada. Explore the full range of benefits, services, and more available to you. The CAF Offer web pages on can help you understand the following: pay rates allowances healthcare information […]