All Entries Tagged With: "army reserve"

Vancouver Island Army Reserve Soldier Receives Promotion and Award
Captain Cameron Park, Public Affairs Office, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s) — During a recent ceremony in Nanaimo, B.C. Army Reservist Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Mike Bean of The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s) was promoted to his current rank by Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel (LCol) Slade Lerch. The applause for MWO Bean […]

Reservists ready for wildfire fight
Soldiers prepared to deploy as part of Operation Lentus to help combat several wildfires burning in the Central Interior region of British Columbia. A two-day S-100 Firefighting Course at CFB Esquimalt’s Urban Search and Rescue Training Centre on July 20 and 21 involved approximately 20 Army Reservists representing various branches of the 39 Canadian Brigade Group.

Army reservists welcome refugees
Steven Fouchard, Army Public Affairs >> As the first Syrian refugees arrive in Canada, Army Reservists are on the ground and eager to help keep them safe and comfortable while they await permanent resettlement in their new home. The reservists have volunteered to be part of Operation Provision, the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) contribution to […]