All Entries Tagged With: "BLOG"

Celebrating 57 Years of Excellence: Royal Canadian Logistics Service Anniversary
Jazmin Holdway with contributions by Paul Dagonese Lookout Newspaper — The Royal Canadian Logistics Service (RCLS) marked its 57th anniversary with a celebration on Feb. 3, noting decades of dedication, innovation, and unwavering support to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operations. The anniversary event, held at the Chief and Petty Officers’ Rainbow Room at CFB Esquimalt, brought […]

Célébration de 57 ans d’excellence : Anniversaire du Service logistique royal canadien
Jazmin Holdway avec des contributions de Paul Dagonese Journal Lookout — Le Service royal de logistique du Canada (SRLC) a célébré son 57e anniversaire le 3 février, soulignant des décennies de dévouement, d’innovation et de soutien inébranlable aux opérations des Forces […]

Unsung Logisticians lauded at birthday bash
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — A rare opportunity to get all Logisticians from CFB Esquimalt under one roof arose on Feb. 1, when members celebrated the 56th birthday of the Royal Canadian Logistics Service (RCLS). Approximately 250 members of Base Logistics (BLog) filled the Rainbow Room of the Chief and Petty Officers’ Mess to capacity. Heartfelt […]