RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Bravo Zulu"

Bravo Zulu to our new Sentinels

Bravo Zulu to our new Sentinels

Congratulations and Bravo Zulu to HMCS Malahat’s three new graduates of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Sentinel Program, Acting Sub-Lieutenant Bonner, Acting Sub-Lieutenant Chan, and Master Sailor Good. All three members of the Ship’s Company were presented with their qualification certificates by Lieutenant Commander Anne Gardam, Malahat’s Commanding Officer, […]

Campbell River resident Mike Bean, a Master Warrant Officer in The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s) receives a second clasp to his Canadian Forces’ Decoration from Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Slade Lerch. The award of the clasp recognizes 32 years of service in the Army Reserve of the Canadian Armed Forces. Photos: Captain Cameron Park, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s)

Vancouver Island Army Reserve Soldier Receives Promotion and Award

  Captain Cameron Park, Public Affairs Office, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s)  —  During a recent ceremony in Nanaimo, B.C. Army Reservist Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Mike Bean of The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s) was promoted to his current rank by Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel (LCol) Slade Lerch. The applause for MWO Bean […]

Capt(N) Peter Hinton, the inspiration for the Memorial Award for Leadership and Excellence in Service. Photo supplied.

Top sailor award honours Capt(N) Hinton

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — The Capt(N) Peter Hinton Memorial Award for Leadership and Excellence in Service recognizes the Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) Sailor of The Year. Typically bestowed upon junior non-commissioned members, it recognizes sailors who demonstrate ethical leadership, integrity and commitment to duty. With senior leadership, Geraldine Hinton […]