RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CAF"

Movement is Medicine offers support and hope

Movement is Medicine offers support and hope

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —  With every forward step, Marcia Koenders hopes to shine a bright red light on the plight of missing and murdered Indigenous girls and women. “I walk for these women to honour their lives cut short and also for me, because if it wasn’t for the kindness of strangers then maybe […]

L’espoir offre soutien et espoir

L’espoir offre soutien et espoir

Peter Mallett, Rédacteur en chef  —  À chaque pas en avant, Marcia ESPOIR espère faire briller une lumière rouge vive sur le sort des filles et des femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées.  “Je marche pour ces femmes, en hommage à leurs vies fauchées, mais aussi pour moi, car sans la gentillesse d’inconnus, j’aurais peut-être pu figurer […]

Honouring museum founders and supporters

Honouring museum founders and supporters

Tatiana Robinson, Curator, CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum — The CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum likely would not exist today at the Base were it not for early supporters whose passion for military history drove the founding of the current Base Museum. In 1977, the museum’s modest beginnings were housed in a metal cabinet at the back […]