RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CAF"

Members of FMF Cape Breton’s Surface Weapons Work Centre, Shop 162A, gather for a group photograph in front of the quick-firing 12-pounder gun located at Black Rock Naval Battery in HMC Dockyard. Photo: Peter Mallett/Lookout Newspaper

FMF shops hit their mark for royal 21-gun salute

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —  Perched atop a bluff at Black Rock Naval Battery, a nine-member gun crew of Naval Fleet School (Pacific) fired off the traditional 21-gun salute with expert precision. The thunderous roar echoed across the Esquimalt Harbour for Princess Anne’s visit last month. The five-pound blank casing shells detonated from the barrels of three Quick-Firing 12-pounder, 12 […]

Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside with his family.

Five questions with CFB Esquimalt Base Commander Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside

Lookout Staff — Father’s Day Edition: Q. How do you balance being a father at home and a leader at the Base? Can you share some strategies you use to manage both effectively? A. It’s not easy and is something that requires constant focus. I am fortunate to have an incredible spouse who is an absolute superhero, who has somehow found a way to raise […]

Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside with his family.

5 questions avec Commandant de la base de la BFC Esquimalt Capitaine de vaisseau Kevin Whiteside 

Personnel de la vigie — Édition fête des pères Q. Comment conciliez-vous votre rôle de père à la maison et celui de dirigeant à la base ? Pouvez-vous nous faire part de certaines stratégies que vous utilisez pour gérer efficacement ces deux aspects ? R. Ce n’est pas facile et cela demande […]