RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CAF"

Time and tide wait for no one

Time and tide wait for no one

‘Time and tide wait for no one’ is an age-old adage that encourages us to seize opportunities when they arise while reminding us that, despite human aspiration, things are beyond our control. The motto is particularly relevant to the summer programme at Naval Fleet School Quebec (NFS(Q))

<strong>Trouver de la valeur au-delà de la MRC</strong>

Trouver de la valeur au-delà de la MRC

La Marine royale du Canada (MRC) inculque de nombreuses compétences précieuses, mais un officier de guerre navale est certain que l’aide aux autres est la plus importante.

<strong>CFB Esquimalt Base Chief Change-of-Appointment</strong>

CFB Esquimalt Base Chief Change-of-Appointment

On Aug. 22, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt thanked Chief Petty Officer First Class (CPO1) Al Darragh, Base Chief Petty Officer, for the past three years of service he provided while warmly welcoming CPO1 Susan Frisby into the role.