RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Canada"

Defence Team gathers for harbour cleanup

Defence Team gathers for harbour cleanup

The Harbour Cleanup event was part of the MARPAC Health and Wellness Strategy’s (MHWS) Healthy Workplace Month. It included five employees of the Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch (POESB).

HMCS Vancouver Battle Cats Broadcast

HMCS Vancouver Battle Cats Broadcast

With mixed emotions, His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Vancouver’s ship’s company departed Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt. It sailed past the Victoria waterfront on Aug. 14, bidding farewell to families and friends as we embarked on another exciting adventure in the Indo-Pacific region.

Photo: Corporal (Cpl) Jay Naples, MARPAC Imaging Services, Esquimalt

Raven Program takes flight again

Kateryna Bandura Editor — The Raven Indigenous Summer Program is back this year with a few major revamps. Not only are half of this year’s staff women, but two staff members have Indigenous backgrounds. Such diversity brings unique experiences and perspectives, said Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Michelle Howell, Raven’s Program Coordinator. “This not only gives […]