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Lookout Newspaper June 24 2024

Volume 69, Issue 25, June 24, 2024

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Jackie Carlé, Esquimalt Military Family and Resource Centre (EMFRC) Executive Director, introduced Her Royal Highness (HRH), Princess Anne, to the EMFRC staff, Board of Directors and families during HRH’s visit to Victoria in May. Photo supplied

A Royal Encounter

Kate Bandura, Lookout Editor — As I stood in the presence of Her Royal Highness, I couldn’t help but be flooded with memories of the first time I met her a decade ago. It was a crisp Remembrance Day morning when I had the privilege of escorting Princess Anne to the National War Memorial in Ottawa […]

Members of HMCS Calgary row ashore Commander Jeremy Samson (above), their outgoing Commanding Officer. Photos: Corporal Tristan Walach, MARPAC Imaging Services.

HMCS Calgary’s Change of Command

NCdt Shelby Andrews, HMCS Calgary  —  On May 13, the Officers and Crew of HMCS Calgary assembled in the Chief and Petty Officers’ Mess for the Change of Command ceremony, where Commodore (Cmdre) David Mazur presided over the transfer of Command from Commander (Cdr) Jeremy Samson, outgoing Commanding Officer (CO), to Cdr Matt Woodburn. Calgary’s outgoing and incoming COs have much in common as they […]