RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Canadian Armed Forces"

Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside with his family.

5 questions avec Commandant de la base de la BFC Esquimalt Capitaine de vaisseau Kevin Whiteside 

Personnel de la vigie — Édition fête des pères Q. Comment conciliez-vous votre rôle de père à la maison et celui de dirigeant à la base ? Pouvez-vous nous faire part de certaines stratégies que vous utilisez pour gérer efficacement ces deux aspects ? R. Ce n’est pas facile et cela demande […]

Member’s of CANSUBFOR preparing the ELSS pod for transfer onto HMCS Chicoutimi. Photos supplied

HMCS Chicoutimi conducts pod posting exercise

CANSUBFOR  —  HMCS Chicoutimi conducted an Emergency Life Saving Stores (ELSS) pod posting exercise at the end of May. Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class (CPO2) Nelson Harvey, exercise organizer and subject matter expert, said the exercise was intended to educate submariners on how to bring a container of essential supplies onto a submarine stuck on the ocean floor. […]

MFRC: four letters you need to remember

MFRC: four letters you need to remember!

Holly Bridges and CWO Trevor Bull, RCAF Family Advocate  —  Be sure to register with your MFRC and check the consent box on your Family Care Plan.   There are so many things to consider, to plan, and to put in place when it comes to any type of move, especially a military move. It is often […]