All Entries Tagged With: "Canadian rangers"

International Day of Forests highlights Canadian Rangers
The International Day of Forests, marked on Mar. 21, is an excellent reminder to British Columbians of how lucky we are to be surrounded by unique rainforests, a treasure to the province and Canada. It’s also a great reminder of our need to protect them.

Volume 68, Issue 40, October 10, 2023
In this week’s edition of #LookoutNavyNews:
The hardest marathon in the world does not faze this Base Firefighter
Reflections of local youth who lived on Navy ship for a week
A stolen treasure has been returned!
In the wild: another operation under the Canadian Rangers’ belt

Holding Down the Tent
Canadian Rangers, Henry Lyall and Bruce Takolik hold down their tent as a CH-149 Cormorant helicopter takes off from the wreck site of Her Majesty’s Ship (HMS) Erebus from the Sir John Franklin 1845 Arctic expedition.