All Entries Tagged With: "Centenarian"

Former wartime Reservist celebrates Centennial with Naval Reserve
Lt(N) Donald Den, Senior Public Affairs Officer, HMCS Malahat — The year 2023 marks a significant milestone for the Canadian Naval Reserve, as all 24 divisions mark the Centennial of their service with various ceremonies and commemorative events. But for one former Royal Canadian Naval Reservist, 2023 marks a centennial of a different kind. On Apr. 7, […]

Centenarian, naval veteran becomes pilot for a day
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Centenarian Commander (Cdr) (ret’d) Peter Chance is on ‘cloud nine’ after piloting over of Vancouver Island last week. The 102-year-old Second World War veteran spent approximately 45 minutes at the controls of a Cessna 172 Skyhawk on Feb. 13. “The entire experience was absolutely superb and the most exciting thing that has […]