All Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum"

Forgotten Sailors celebrated in a new book
A new Book of Remembrance featuring Second World War Naval Reservists has enriched the list of citizen sailors who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Brodeur Family Dynasty Display launches online
CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum — One Canadian family has the special distinction of having three successive generations hold positions of key significance to Canada’s Navy. That family is the Brodeurs, whose members – Louis Philippe Brodeur; his son, Victor Gabriel Brodeur; and Victor Gabriel Brodeur’s son, Nigel Brodeur – constitute a true Canadian naval […]

The remarkable journey of HMCS Thiepval
Clare Sharpe, CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum — HMCS Thiepval, a steadfast trawler that once travelled 10,000 miles in search of old-fashioned adventure as a support vessel for an epic round-the-world flight attempt, is now a shipwreck of national historical significance and a trendy site for recreational divers. Thiepval was launched in Montreal, Que., in 1917 […]