All Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt"

MARPAC successfully hosts NATO Submarine Medical Course in Esquimalt
A/SLt Samantha Cortes Munoz, MARPAC Public Affairs — The Canadian Forces Environmental Medical Establishment (CFEME) completed a successful NATO Submarine Medical Officer course held Oct. 28 to Nov. 8 in Esquimalt. This important training brought together medical professionals from around the globe, including 15 students from Canada, Australia, Singapore, […]

MFRC teams up with local libraries
Paul Dagonese, Lookout staff — New Deployment, Absence & Relocation Literacy Kits for Families The Esquimalt and Comox Military Family Resource Centres (MFRC) have recently collaborated with Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL) and Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) to make literacy kits available for military children and families to provide support for the challenging issues of […]

MARPAC HQ Naval Intelligence integrated into TRINITY Detachment Esquimalt
Lt(N) Redfern-Pucci, TRINITY Det Esquimalt — On Oct. 30, the former Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters’ (MARPAC HQ) intelligence section was integrated into TRINITY Detachment Esquimalt. TRINITY is the unit responsible for providing operational support and intelligence to the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) deployed fleet. The merger is intended