RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt"

Capt(N) Whiteside

Remembrance Day – Captain(N) Kevin Whiteside, Base Commander, CFB Esquimalt

We take pause to reflect on the courage, valour and sacrifice made by those who fought for this country, contributing to peace and stability around the world. This Remembrance Day I find myself struck by the advance of time and the diminishing numbers of those veterans still with us. Two names come to mind. Last […]

Lookout, Issue 38, November 11, 2024

Volume 69, Issue 38, November 11, 2024

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“Can you hear me now?” NAV COMM RQS2 Training at NFSA

“Can you hear me now?” NAV COMM RQS2 Training at NFSA

Master Sailor Danny Laplante, Naval Communicator Instructor, Naval Fleet School (Atlantic)  —  A unique training opportunity unfolded for seven students from the Naval Communicator (NAV COMM) Rank Qualification Sailor Second Class (RQS2) course in Halifax. Naval Fleet School Atlantic trialed a hands-on learning experience early within the overall NAV COMM training sequence of studies for […]