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The Family Violence Advisory Team

The Family Violence Advisory Team

The Family Violence Advisory Team (FVAT) is a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) initiative that serves in an advisory capacity on matters related to family violence.  The FVAT also provides a front-end role in education, prevention and awareness of family violence while planning and promoting programs, campaigns and services that work to recognize the diverse needs of military families.

Exertional Rhabdomyolysis, what's that?

Exertional Rhabdomyolysis, what’s that?

Dr. Darrell Menard explains rhabdomyolysis, a potentially fatal condition caused by muscle damage, often from intense exercise. Symptoms include muscle pain, dark urine, and fatigue. High-risk groups include military and first responders. Prevention involves gradual fitness increases, acclimatization, proper hydration, avoiding exercise when ill, and not using stimulants.

Rhabdomyolyse d’effort Qu’est-ce que la rhabdomyolyse d’effort ?

Rhabdomyolyse d’effort Qu’est-ce que la rhabdomyolyse d’effort ?

La rhabdomyolyse (communément appelée rhabdo) est une affection potentiellement mortelle qui peut survenir lorsque les muscles sont endommagés par des facteurs tels que les brûlures, l’électrocution, les blessures par écrasement, la déshydratation sévère, les médicaments et la consommation d’alcool et d’autres drogues.