RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt"

Le 443e Escadron d’hélicoptères maritimes soulignela Journée mondiale de l’hélicoptère

Le 443e Escadron d’hélicoptères maritimes soulignela Journée mondiale de l’hélicoptère

Personnel du Lookout – Le 18 août, le 443e Escadron d’hélicoptères maritimes (EHM) se joint à la célébration mondiale de la Journée mondiale de l’hélicoptère. Cette célébration mondiale met en lumière le rôle vital que jouent les hélicoptères dans notre société, et nulle […]

443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron Marks World Helicopter Day

443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron Marks World Helicopter Day

On August 18, 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron celebrated World Helicopter Day, emphasizing the pivotal role helicopters play in society. Part of Canada’s maritime defense strategy, the squadron operates CH-148 Cyclone helicopters supporting the Royal Canadian Navy’s Pacific Fleet. Covering both national and international missions, 443 MHS exemplifies dedication to protecting […]

CANSUBFOR unveils new commemorative plaque in building naming ceremony

CANSUBFOR unveils new commemorative plaque in building naming ceremony

On August 5, 2024, a ceremony was held to rename Building D85 at CFB Esquimalt in honor of Lt. William McKinstry Maitland-Dougall, the first Canadian to command a British submarine and the only Canadian submarine commanding officer lost in action. This event was part of the Canadian Submarine Service’s 110th anniversary celebrations.