RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt"

Commodore David Mazur, Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific, presents Sailor 1st Class Michael Fung with Sailor of the Quarter Coin aboard HMCS Ottawa docked at CFB Esquimalt on July 16. Photo: Sailor 3rd Class Mckayla Ryce, MARPAC Imaging Services

Sailor of the Second Quarter revolutionizes shipboard living

Kateryna Bandura, Lookout Editor — A groundbreaking initiative by HMCS Ottawa Marine Systems Engineer (MSE) has set a new benchmark for quality-of-life improvements on Canadian warships. Sailor 1st Class (S1) Michael Fung led a project to install nearly 200 120-volt power outlets in Ottawa’s Non-Commissioned Members’ mess decks. The initiative has earned […]

Members of the Incident Response Team conduct a spill response exercise (SPILLEX) at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, British Columbia on July 10. Photo: Sergeant Malcolm Byers, MARPAC Imaging Services

DND fine-tuning fuel spill response

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Teamwork and communication became key elements in an Environmental Emergency fuel spill exercise on July 10. The scenario, led by the Environmental Protection Office, involved a refueling operation of HMCS Nanaimo which resulted in a simulated large spill of marine distillate (diesel) into the waters of Esquimalt Harbour. While no fuel entered […]

Lookout Newspaper, July 22, 2024

Volume 69, Issue No. 29, July 22, 2024

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