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<strong>HMCS Malahat exercises Freedom of the City</strong>

HMCS Malahat exercises Freedom of the City

Granted initially to HMCS Malahat in 1983 and exercised again in 1998 to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the Naval Reserve, the tradition of granting Freedom of the City to a military unit goes back more than three centuries. The Freedom of the City means, in the physical sense, granting the privilege for all time for a specific military unit to march through the city with ‘drums beating, colours flying, and bayonets fixed’. It is a most prized honour, for it recognizes the record of the military unit and demonstrates the affection and esteem with which the community holds it and the trust the citizenry has in it to safeguard their democratic institutions.



Pancakes, hash browns, and meat and vegetarian sausages were on this year’s Pancake Breakfast menu. They were quickly devoured by ravenous supporters of the annual campaign kickoff event for the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC). Over 200 attended the event at the Chief and Petty Officers’ Mess on Sept. 26.

Volume 68, Issue 39, October 3, 2023

Volume 68, Issue 39, October 3, 2023

In this week’s edition of #LookoutNavyNews: NDWCC kickoff is a flipping success, HMCS Malahat exercises Freedom of the City, Career goals of former Raven take flight, RCN Digital Leadership, Terry Fox Run HMCS Ottawa. Read the full edition here:

Dans l’édition de cette semaine de #LookoutNavyNews : Le coup d’envoi du CNDW est un franc succès, le NCSM Malahat exerce le droit de cité, les objectifs de carrière de l’ancien Raven prennent leur envol, le leadership numérique de la MRC, Terry Fox fait courir le NCSM Ottawa. Lisez l’édition complète ici :