RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt"

Leadership numérique de la MRC : Aaron O'Connor, LCdr

Leadership numérique de la MRC : Aaron O’Connor, LCdr

Dans cette série, nous présentons le leadership numérique au sein de la MRC afin d’illustrer comment nos solutions d’entreprise sont exploitées avec succès au profit de nos équipes.

Tritons capture two Canada West soccer titles

Tritons capture two Canada West soccer titles

In September, the Esquimalt Tritons will compete for the National Championship in men’s and women’s soccer at CFB Borden.

The blue and gold earned berths in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) National Soccer Championship tournament after both teams went undefeated at this year’s Canada West regional qualifying tournaments in Edmonton, Alta.

The Navy takes boats on the road as part of the NST roadshow

The Navy takes boats on the road as part of the NST roadshow

From July 25 to Aug. 15, the NST was under B.C.’s spotlight. The small team of just 17 core positions, responsible for harbour defence and protecting Canadian waterways, was showcased across the B.C. Interior. The roadshow made appearances in cities including Vernon, Kelowna, and Kamloops.