RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt"

The Air Task Force Lithuania Chaplain addresses members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Lithuanian Air Force, and Portuguese Air Force Detachment during the dedication ceremony in Šiauliai, Lithuania. Photo: Air Task Force - OP Reassurance

How can chaplains support you?

Padre (Capt) Anthony Divinagracia, CFB Esquimalt  —  CFB Esquimalt Chaplains can support you in these 10 ways: First, Ministry of Presence. We do this when we visit you, members at your workstations or join your unit’s activities and events. This is our way of being present and available to you. This presence and engagement can be […]

Lookout Newspaper, Issue 2, January 27, 2025

Volume 70, Issue 2, January 27, 2025

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Sub-Lieutenant SeeEun “Rachel” Kim

Merritt Chisholm Sword for Esprit de Corps and Perseverance

Sub-Lieutenant (SLt) SeeEun “Rachel” Kim is presented with the Merritt Chisholm Sword for Esprit de Corps and Perseverance by Lieutenant-Commander (retired) Gerald Pash on behalf of the Naval Officers Association of Vancouver Island with Reviewing Officer, Commander Vincent Pellerin, Commanding Officer of HMCS Winnipeg. The Sword, with a Naval Association […]