RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "deployment"

MFRC Literacy

MFRC teams up with local libraries 

Paul Dagonese, Lookout staff  —  New Deployment, Absence & Relocation Literacy Kits for Families The Esquimalt and Comox Military Family Resource Centres (MFRC) have recently collaborated with Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL) and Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) to make literacy kits available for military children and families to provide support for the challenging issues of […]

<strong>Starting the next deployment on the right note</strong>

Starting the next deployment on the right note

Peter MallettStaff Writer The halls of HMCS Ottawa will soon come alive with the sound of music. The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) warship and crew are alongside in Dockyard these days, making final preparations for their Indo-Pacific deployment Operation (Op) Horizon later this summer. As the crew stores the vessel with provisions, two of the […]

LCdr Tyler Smith, Commanding Officer, HMCS Edmonton

HMCS Edmonton returns after successful Operation Caribbe deployment

Captain Chelsea Dubeau, MARPAC PAO — After nearly three months at sea, the crew of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Edmonton received a warm welcome home from friends and family following their arrival in Esquimalt on Friday, April 28. The ship was deployed on Operation Caribbe, Canada’s contribution to U.S.-led Enhanced Counter-narcotics Operations in the Eastern Pacific. […]