RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Drones"

Security Awareness Week

Security Awareness Week

Sgt Paul Hare Military Police Unit Esquimalt  —  Stay Sharp, Stay Safe: Security Every Day As a new year is upon us, we once again find ourselves acknowledging Security Awareness Week from Feb. 10-14.  It is during this time of year where we reinforce the necessity of security to the Defence community. Adherence and implementation of […]

Semaine de sensibilisation à la sécurité

Semaine de sensibilisation à la sécurité

Sgt Paul Hare Military Police Unit Esquimalt  —  Restez vigilants, restez en sécurité : la sécurité au quotidien Alors qu’une nouvelle année s’ouvre à nous, nous nous retrouvons une fois de plus à l’occasion de la Semaine de sensibilisation à la sécurité, qui se déroulera du 10 au 14 février.  C’est à cette période de l’année […]

Rocky Mountain Unmanned Systems (RMUS) Canada’s Western Canada Road Show

Happy landings for drone show

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — The Chief and Petty Officers’ Mess was abuzz with the sounds of drones on May 12. “Events such as this one help us network with like-minded individuals, agencies and military units that are exploring or expanding capabilities with drone systems to fill growing needs within the defense and public safety community,” said […]