All Entries Tagged With: "DVMAG"

New co-chair letter for the Defence Visible Minority Advisory Group (DVMAG) PO1 Yevrag Evans
DAG Connection — As a seasoned member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with over two decades of experience, I have dedicated my career to leadership, service, and the pursuit of equity in the military environment. My background as an immigrant from Jamaica, […]

Lion dancers bring festive cheer for the Lunar New Year
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — A giant drum, hand-hammered gong and cymbals sounded at the main entrance of Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher Robinson’s official residence as two brightly coloured red and yellow lions warmed up the mood on Feb. 14. The lion dancers from Victoria’s Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club have cleansed CFB Esquimalt of ‘bad mojo’ while […]

Les danseurs de lion introduisent la nouvelle année lunaire
Peter Mallett, Rédacteur — Un tambour géant, un gong martelé à la main et des cymbales ont retenti à l’entrée principale de la résidence officielle du contre-amiral Christopher Robinson, tandis que deux lions rouges et jaunes aux couleurs vives ont réchauffé l’atmosphère le 14 février. Les danseurs lions du Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club de Victoria […]