RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Esquimalt"

Michael Rose and Clyde Rose display the returned bell. Photo provided

Une famille ravie après la restitution de la cloche du sous-marin volé

Une cloche en laiton de 22 kg, volée sur la propriété d’un ancien combattant de la Marine royale canadienne (MRC) âgé de 87 ans, a été restituée.

<strong>“I Have the Watch!”: Change of Command at HMCS Venture</strong>

“I Have the Watch!”: Change of Command at HMCS Venture

During the forenoon of July 26, Captain (Navy) (Capt(N)) Matthew Coates, Commander Naval Training Group, presided over a ceremony that saw the command of HMCS Venture pass from Commander (Cdr) Mike Stefanson to Cdr Darren Sleen.

Sergeant (ret’d) Susan Kruzel

Veteran’s artwork provides seascape escape

Peter Mallet, Staff Writer — After recently launching her Pacific Seascapes exhibit at Gallery Splash in Esquimalt, painter Sergeant (ret’d) Susan Kruzel admits she is swimming in her art, literally. As patrons at a nearby coffee shop exit into the lobby, they appear drawn to her paintings. As an artist, Kruzel takes extreme gratification in this. […]