All Entries Tagged With: "FDU"

Inspecting the hull
LS Verdun, Clearance Diver with FDU (Atlantic), observes Caribbean divers as they inspect the hull of an American landing craft utility boat on EX TRADEWINDS 15 in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Ice Dive Exercise
Members of Parks Canada secure the umbilical line for Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) and Parks Canada divers at the Quebec City, Quebec Old Port during an Ice Dive Exercise on March 3, 2015.

Divers take Grizzlies for a swim
They might be in shape for the ice, but on Nov. 4 the hockey players from the Victoria Grizzlies discovered a different kind of fitness – fit to fight. Victoria’s Junior “A” British Columbia Hockey League team spent a day in a navy diver’s wet suit to see, hear, and feel what it’s like […]