All Entries Tagged With: "FDU(P)"

MARPAC successfully hosts NATO Submarine Medical Course in Esquimalt
A/SLt Samantha Cortes Munoz, MARPAC Public Affairs — The Canadian Forces Environmental Medical Establishment (CFEME) completed a successful NATO Submarine Medical Officer course held Oct. 28 to Nov. 8 in Esquimalt. This important training brought together medical professionals from around the globe, including 15 students from Canada, Australia, Singapore, […]

New boats for FDU(P)
Kate Bandura, Lookout Editor — Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific) is making the most of its new vessels. The Unit has been expecting four Outboard Engine Diver Boats (OEDB) since November; the boats replaced their existing Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB). Petty Officer 1st Class (PO1) Benoît Léonard, Operational Dive Team Chief, says the maneuverability of […]

RCMP complete capsized vessel training
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Nothing sounds as refreshing as spending the only snowy day on Vancouver Island trapped inside a capsized boat in the cold waters of Esquimalt Harbour. Luckily for a team of 20 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) members, the situation was not a real-life emergency but part of training scenario. The […]