RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "FMF"

Members of FMF Cape Breton’s Surface Weapons Work Centre, Shop 162A, gather for a group photograph in front of the quick-firing 12-pounder gun located at Black Rock Naval Battery in HMC Dockyard. Photo: Peter Mallett/Lookout Newspaper

FMF shops hit their mark for royal 21-gun salute

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —  Perched atop a bluff at Black Rock Naval Battery, a nine-member gun crew of Naval Fleet School (Pacific) fired off the traditional 21-gun salute with expert precision. The thunderous roar echoed across the Esquimalt Harbour for Princess Anne’s visit last month. The five-pound blank casing shells detonated from the barrels of three Quick-Firing 12-pounder, 12 […]

Brad Pendlington stands in the sun outside his current Work Centre's Shop 144 Electrical at FMF Cape Breton.

One Navy team, Brad Pendlington’s journey with the RCN and FMF

Ashley Evans, Fleet Maintenance Facility — The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) motto, ‘One Navy Team’, reflects exactly what we are. We work in support of each other, those in uniform protecting us and our country, and civilians conducting work in support of them and their overwhelming purpose. One of them is Brad Pendlington, a member of the […]

Dragon Boat - paddles up, take it away

Dragon Boat – paddles up, take it away

Ashley Evans, Strategic Communications Officer, FMF CB/CS — A workforce member at Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton (FMF CB) is vying for the National Dragon Boat Team selection this May. Allison Verley, Acting Project Leader for HMCS Winnipeg and a member of The Gorging Dragons, an elite paddling team that’s part of the Vancouver Island Paddling Club, […]