All Entries Tagged With: "FMF Cape Breton"

FMF shops hit their mark for royal 21-gun salute
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Perched atop a bluff at Black Rock Naval Battery, a nine-member gun crew of Naval Fleet School (Pacific) fired off the traditional 21-gun salute with expert precision. The thunderous roar echoed across the Esquimalt Harbour for Princess Anne’s visit last month. The five-pound blank casing shells detonated from the barrels of three Quick-Firing 12-pounder, 12 […]

Students visit FMF Cape Breton
A/SLt Alex Khoury, MARPAC PAO — Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton (FMF CB) usually hires students locally from various programs offered at Camosun College and the University of Victoria, but the Co-operative Education program is a paid internship opportunity that many departments of FMF CB offer to potential apprentices. Various divisions within FMF CB hire Co-op […]

Des étudiants visitent le FMF Cap-Breton
A/SLt Alex Khoury, MARPAC PAO — L’Installation d’entretien de la flotte du Cap-Breton (IAFCB) embauche habituellement des étudiants locaux provenant de divers programmes offerts au Collège Camosun et à l’Université de Victoria, mais le programme d’éducation coopérative est une occasion de stage rémunéré que de nombreux services de l’IAFCB offrent à des apprentis potentiels. […]