RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "FMF Cape Breton"

Introducing laser surface preparation systems at FMF Cape Breton

Introducing laser surface preparation systems at FMF Cape Breton

P-Laser 1000-Watt unit is a laser device used to surgically remove tissue to create a clean, paintable surface or one suitable for inspection. The technology can be used on most materials, although McNaul notes it is most effective on thinner coatings and corrosion.

FMF Cape Breton

FMF Cape Breton completes project for Army

Ashley Evans, Strategic Communications Officer, FMF CB/CS — You may have wondered why a particular yellow door at the Fleet Maintenance Facility (FMF) Cape Breton (CB) is always closed. What exactly goes on behind those large doors right before the Electronics Shop on the left-hand side of the main walkway through the production floor in D250? Well, […]