All Entries Tagged With: "france"

A small ship doing BIG SHIP THINGS
SLt Phillip Schenk, HMCS Nanaimo — ‘Small ship doing big ship things’ – I keep hearing this over and over. I know what the words mean, but I have no other experience to compare against. I was posted to HMCS Nanaimo in August 2023, along with a couple of other Sub-Lieutenants from my class, after completing […]

First World War Canadian soldier identified
DND, Canadian Armed Forces — The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have confirmed that remains recovered in Vendin-le-Vieil, France, are those of Corporal Percy Howarth, a Canadian soldier of the First World War. The identity was confirmed through historical, genealogical, anthropological, archaeological and DNA analysis. […]

Cyclists connect with history during a commemorative ride
Peter MallettStaff Writer — From Hill 70 to Vimy Ridge to Beaumont-Hamel, the Drury Memorial, Canal Du Nord and other historic sites in between, each of the Battlefield Bike Ride participants had connections that made this year’s ride meaningful. For Warrant Officer (WO) Dan Bodden, the team’s stop in Vimy Ridge was the highlight of […]