All Entries Tagged With: "halifax"

Dr. Clement Ligoure, Nova Scotia’s first Black doctor
Rene Gannon and Ashley Evans — Over 100 years since the Halifax Explosion, we are still learning about the people who made an indelible difference to those affected by the tragedy. One of those people is Dr. Clement Ligoure, a Queen’s University School of Medicine graduate and Halifax’s first Black doctor. After the explosion, he treated hundreds of […]

New enhanced Naval Boarding Party now expanded
RAdm Bill Truelove, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC), visited CFB Halifax on Jan. 16 to brief his Atlantic Fleet counterparts on the Enhanced Naval Boarding Party, and to attract potential trainees. “With today’s naval operations increasingly concerned with providing maritime security in the littoral environment, the need for an advanced, versatile force that can respond […]