All Entries Tagged With: "health"
Once in a blue moon: Climbing Mount Fuji in Japan overnight
‘Once in a blue moon’ is an expression that rarely coincides with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and an actual blue moon. In this case, a lucky few of His Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Ottawa and Vancouver’s crew climbed Mount Fuji’s summit during August’s second full moon: coincidentally, a ‘super blue moon’.
How to overcome fears in therapy
Once individuals better understand their fears about therapy, they can better learn to overcome them and continue their therapeutic journey.
Stay healthy this winter season, get a flu shot
Capt Laura Guevremont, CFHSC(P) – With flu season in full swing, Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Pacific) has been offering the flu shot to its members to help them stay healthy this winter. It’s important when deciding whether or not to get the flu shot that you have the right information about the flu and […]