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The Byrnell family while being awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award.

Esquimalt’s Hidden Heroes: The Byrnell family’s military legacy

Kate Bandura, Lookout Contributor  —  Wes Byrnell’s remarkable career spans both military service and pioneering work in sports medicine, leaving an indelible mark on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the field of athletic therapy. In 1976, Byrnell was awarded the prestigious Order of Military Merit, one of the highest honours in the Canadian military. This […]

Liam Elder

Liam Elder wins the hearts of Calgary Sailors

It has always been10-year-old Liam Elder’s dream to see the ocean, board a navy ship and see the shipyard, as his mother, Christine Harkin, used to serve with the navy. During their visit to Victoria on March 6, Liam’s dream was fulfilled. From the moment he set foot on HMCS Calgary, he made quite an […]