RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "HMCS Oriole"

<strong>HMCS Oriole  Great Lakes Deployment  2023</strong>

HMCS Oriole  Great Lakes Deployment  2023

This summer, HMCS Oriole will visit communities along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway, bringing the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) to Canadians as part of this year’s Great Lakes Deployment.

Oriole skipper says farewell to sailing ketch

Oriole skipper says farewell to sailing ketch

After sailing as HMCS Oriole’s Captain for almost four-and-a-half years, LCdr Kibble handed over command to LCdr Michael Wills July 30. The new Commanding Officer is junior to him in age, but carries equal confidence and capacity to bear the responsibly of skippering the 94-year-old sailing ketch. Oriole was designed and built in 1921 as […]


Canadian warships in Oregon

The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) featured prominently during this year’s Portland Rose Festival Fleet Week festivities, with HMC ships Calgary, Whitehorse, Saskatoon, and Oriole participating. Things kicked off with the arrival of Oriole last Tuesday, the first naval ship to arrive at the historic city.  Although Oriole was greeted with a heavy downpour, it didn’t […]