All Entries Tagged With: "HMCS Ottawa"

Bridging Borders at Sea
HMCS Ottawa is currently taking part in multinational exercise La Perouse 25, centered around a French Carrier Strike Group. The exercise involves nine partner nations and takes place in the coasts and straits between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean: Malacca, Sunda, and Lombok. During the exercise, commanding officers from the different ships had […]

HMCS Ottawa Honours Canadian War Hero in Onagawa, Japan
Defence Stories, — Members of His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Ottawa, currently deployed on Operation Horizon, participated in a special ceremony in Onagawa, Japan, on Nov. 26, honouring a Canadian war hero. Lieutenant (Lt) Robert Hampton Gray, a Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve Pilot, received the Victoria Cross as a result of his actions and […]

Morale Mail, A Gesture of Gratitude for HMCS Ottawa
Paul Dagonese, Lookout Staff — As the holiday season approaches, a heartwarming collaboration between Island Health’s Cowichan District Hospital (CDH) and the Esquimalt Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) has ensured that the 250 sailors aboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Ottawa won’t feel forgotten while deployed far from home. A collection of care packages and handwritten […]