All Entries Tagged With: "HMCS Regina"

Local educators take field trip ‘beyond the fence’
Participants tour CFB Esquimalt and local Naval facilities, Victoria, British Columbia on September 19, 2023. The CLA program provides a select few with the chance to experience the operations and capabilities of the Royal Canadian Navy.

HMCS Regina returns from refit with a new patch
Kateryna BanduraLookout Editor HMCS Regina returned to the fleet after a maintenance period on May 19 with a new morale patch. Designed by Sailor First Class (S1) Marianne Maxwell, Weapons Engineering Technician with HMCS Regina, the patch signifies new beginnings for the ship’s adventures. “I had fun making it and a majority of the ship’s […]

HMCS Regina’s WENGTECH named Sailor of the Quarter
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — When Sailor First Class (S1) Nahom Beyene took on several additional tasks and responsibilities outside of those assigned to him in HMCS Regina, he did not expect to receive the Maritime Forces Pacific Sailor of the Quarter award. “I am completely surprised and humbled to receive this award,” said S1 […]