RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "HMCS Venture"

The Camosun College Foundation team celebrates the generosity of Naval Training Group employee Commander (ret’d) Angus Fedoruk (second from right).

Pay back is a gift

Michael McWhinnie, NTG —During the morning of Feb. 20, Commander (retired) Angus Fedoruk took some time away from HMCS Venture to visit his alma mater. He made the 15-minute drive to Camosun College’s Interurban Campus to meet Advancement and Alumni Engagement manager Christopher Berghuis for a purpose some might find perplexing: to hand over a personal cheque […]

Career goals of former Raven take flight

Career goals of former Raven take flight

Haylee Gardiner of Saskatoon graduated from Raven in August 2021 and said it made a huge difference in her life. She recently returned to Victoria to commence her first semester of undergraduate studies at the University of Victoria (UVic) to pursue her ultimate goal of becoming a family doctor.

<strong>“I Have the Watch!”: Change of Command at HMCS Venture</strong>

“I Have the Watch!”: Change of Command at HMCS Venture

During the forenoon of July 26, Captain (Navy) (Capt(N)) Matthew Coates, Commander Naval Training Group, presided over a ceremony that saw the command of HMCS Venture pass from Commander (Cdr) Mike Stefanson to Cdr Darren Sleen.