All Entries Tagged With: "Human resources"

Reservist discovers rewards of the Sentinel Program
Peter Mallett Staff Writer — The inspiration to join the Sentinel program has much to do with being a self-described ‘people’ person, says one of the newest Sentinels on the west coast. “If I think back to all the greatest experiences I have had in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), along with the worst experiences in […]

New Canadians get work experience at CFB Esquimalt
Friends and co-workers gathered at the Wardroom March 19 to bid farewell to five participants of the Federal Internship for Newcomers program, (FIN) who found temporary employment at CFB Esquimalt. The FIN program is a pilot project between Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Emploi et Développement social Canada (EDSC), which connects newcomers to Canada […]