All Entries Tagged With: "Japan"
Once in a blue moon: Climbing Mount Fuji in Japan overnight
‘Once in a blue moon’ is an expression that rarely coincides with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and an actual blue moon. In this case, a lucky few of His Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Ottawa and Vancouver’s crew climbed Mount Fuji’s summit during August’s second full moon: coincidentally, a ‘super blue moon’.
Japanese training vessels visit CFB Esquimalt
The spirit of goodwill and international cooperation between allies prevailed when two training vessels of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) visited Esquimalt last week.
A Milestone for Japan
Participants from the Japanese Army respond to a simulated attack, marking the first time that Japan’s army has fired a weapon outside of its nation since World War II, in the fields of Ulaanbaatar on June 26, 2015.