All Entries Tagged With: "marpac"

From CNTG to CSNMG2, a big step on a journey of letters and numbers
By NTG PA — “This is a fairly uncommon event, to have the honour of promoting someone to the rank of Commodore (Cmdre) within our Formation,” said Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher Robinson, Commander MARPAC. RAdm Robinson was addressing a small gathering of Naval Training Group (NTG) personnel, family, and friends of Cmdre Matthew Coates who were gathered […]

HMCS Malahat crews Orca-Class Training Sail
Lt(N) Donald Den, HMCS Malahat PAO — HMCS Malahat conducted a self-directed Orca-Class Training Sail over the Victoria Day long weekend, with support from Patrol Craft Training Unit (PCTU). Over three days, 23 Malahat sailors of varying ranks took PCT Moose 62 to sea for training in navigation, seamanship, responses to shipboard emergencies and familiarization […]