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The Family Violence Advisory Team

The Family Violence Advisory Team

The Family Violence Advisory Team (FVAT) is a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) initiative that serves in an advisory capacity on matters related to family violence.  The FVAT also provides a front-end role in education, prevention and awareness of family violence while planning and promoting programs, campaigns and services that work to recognize the diverse needs of military families.

PTSD: The Wheel of Trauma

PTSD: The Wheel of Trauma

Traumatic events can cause profound psychological wounds like PTSD, leading to mental anguish. Responses to trauma are unique, involving stages of being wounded, discovering the trauma, processing it, and changing. Each individual’s experience is distinct, and treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all. Recovery involves conscious reflection and working through trauma to regain control.

<strong>Understanding Our Unconscious</strong>

Understanding Our Unconscious

Current scientific studies estimate approximately 95 per cent of brain activity is unconscious. Included in the unconscious are formed habits and patterns, automatic body functions such as digestion and breathing, creativity, emotions, personality, beliefs and values, cognitive biases, and long-term memory.