RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "national war memorial"

Sentry duty honour 

Sentry duty honour 

HMCS Discovery’s sailor pays tribute at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – A/SLt Alexandre Khoury, MARPAC PA — Standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial in Ottawa is a great honour and privilege few military members receive. It is a remarkable task that involves strength and endurance. As part […]

="radm pins first poopies"

First poppies pinned

Season’s first poppies pinned to the lapels of the 10 Canadian Armed Forces members who stood vigil this fall at the National War Memorial.

Farewell to a fallen soldier

Farewell to a fallen soldier

Canadian Armed Forces soldiers stand in front of the National War Memorial during the Commemoration event in Ottawa, ON on Oct. 23.