All Entries Tagged With: "nato"

MARPAC successfully hosts NATO Submarine Medical Course in Esquimalt
A/SLt Samantha Cortes Munoz, MARPAC Public Affairs — The Canadian Forces Environmental Medical Establishment (CFEME) completed a successful NATO Submarine Medical Officer course held Oct. 28 to Nov. 8 in Esquimalt. This important training brought together medical professionals from around the globe, including 15 students from Canada, Australia, Singapore, […]

Les FMAR(P) accueillent avec succès le cours de médecine sous-marine de l’OTAN à Esquimalt
Ens 2 Samantha Cortes Munoz, Affaires publiques des FMAR(P) — Le Centre de médecine environnementale des Forces canadiennes (CMEFC) a terminé avec succès le cours de médecin militaire de l’OTAN qui s’est déroulé du 28 octobre au 8 novembre […]

From CNTG to CSNMG2, a big step on a journey of letters and numbers
By NTG PA — “This is a fairly uncommon event, to have the honour of promoting someone to the rank of Commodore (Cmdre) within our Formation,” said Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher Robinson, Commander MARPAC. RAdm Robinson was addressing a small gathering of Naval Training Group (NTG) personnel, family, and friends of Cmdre Matthew Coates who were gathered […]